Preparing for your Project !

Bathroom and kitchens are a small area with a lot of functionality and detail. You will find that there is a lot to consider ! The best advise we can give to anyone that goes into any project is that the home owner preparation is the most important key to a well given quote and planning of a project as well as time frame to completion !
Planning your project will aid your contractors planning process and eliminate a lot of questions.
Things to consider in preplanning :
- Paint colors
- Cabinets
- Trim size and profile
- Shower stall / Tub type and design
- Flooring type / Color
- Faucets
- Lighting
- Exhaust fan
- Toilet
- Counter tops
- back splash
Arming your contractor with this information by choosing these items in advance You will minimize lost time greatly. The best plan is a plan that has a strong pre-plan !
Unforeseen conditions:
Be prepared for hidden problems that can cause delays. Even if your contractor does a thorough inspection there could be things that you can't see inside the walls or under flooring.
We have run into situations where floors were strong but once the floor was pulled up we discovered water damage and had to replace sub flooring, Bad wiring have been discovered on some jobs even loose wires, uncapped wires, illegal wire junctions. This may not be the case on every project it is always good to be prepared for such discoveries !
Be prepared for unforeseen issues because correcting these issues as well as changes that may be made along the way cause delays in the finished project.
Have A Backup bathroom plan:
If you only have one bathroom something too strongly consider is that you may want to prepare by setting up with a close friend or family member showering arrangements being that your shower will be out of service for a period.